
Microcontroller: Arduino UNO 328
IMU: ADXRS613/ADXL203 single axis Gyro + dual axis Accelero
Motor Driver: 2x25A Sabertooth (a 24V 25A dual motor driver)
Battery: 24V5AHr Lithium Polymer Battery
Motor: 1 pair 24V 180Watt

Motor Driver: Sabertooth 25A 24V Dual DC motor controller

2 x 24v 180w Hub Motor (from goldenhubmotor)

Sabertooth connection

Sabertooth 2x25
The spec sheet :

How to connect spec to two motors and battery
The above is the connection from motor to sabertooth.
For connection from microcontroller to sabertooth.
There are 4 signal pin S1,S2,GND,5V
S1,S2 is the signal pin to control the two motors.
Select analog 1 mode.
An analog voltage of 2.5V corresponds to no movement. Signals above 2.5V will command a forward motion and signals below 2.5V will command a backwards motion.
Connect the pwm pin 9 and 10 from the arduino to S1 and S2 through a RC filter circuit

Or to make it simple, simply testout your sabertooth with potentialmetre connected to S1 and S2 to test out

Wire up everything and test out the code, use some weight(coca cola bottle is a good example) to test first before trying to hop on it the first time. You might want to connect up a deadman switch to cut off the supply when it goes wrong.




  1. thats ADXL 203 no found anywere and no can buy anywere,only have ADXL 193
    mma 7331L
    and gyro no found anywere other than LPY 510AL-1267
    or combo board
    MinIMU-9 v2 Gyro, Accelerometer, and Compass
    Triple-Axis Digital-Output Gyro ITG-3200 Breakout
    at shop http://www.robomaa.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1009_1070&sort=20a&page=1&language=en

    How change all code working other thats sensors ????

  2. now i found similar IMU board and have idg650/mpy6050 gyro/avcceletometer board, and dfrobotic l298p motor driver board(little test robot first)
    but i no understand how i drive motors different motordrive board. sabertooth use only serial in put S1 and S2 but all little robotic ardunio shield have l298p driver and neer 2 pwm(both motors) and 2 DIR input forwar or reserve.left/right and stop. how change code sabertooth out and l298 driver in ?????
    if anybody can help how change code.
    send code help to me mail. about matii43 and yahoo plus com.
    i need test thats segway first little robot. interesting lot, many month read and looking and orden parts.
